- Aoi (Blue Wolf)


Physical Appearance:

- [Age]: 24yrs
- [Gender]: Female Hyur
- [Height]: Under 5 Fulm
- [Weight]: 115Ponze
- [Eye color]: White
- [Hair color]: Pink
- [Complexion]: Pale

Tattoos / scars:

- Minor scars on face but multiple on her torso.

Clothing style:

- Hingashian

__History: __

Daisuke Kato, other wise known as Kimiko Ashitaka. Is younger sister to Hiro Ashitaka, and twin sister of Hito Ashitaka. Kimiko was also born June 2nd setting the clan’s old prophecy in motion once again. Gemini twins in Clan Ashitaka meant a Great War was to come within the life time of these two. So the elders of Clan Ashitaka sent Kimiko into the mountains of Yanxia, here she would train to become kunoichi. Her master was killed before her training was fully completed, so staying in the mountains would only last for a few winters….

She then found herself living in a small village alongside The Eastern Ryujin Bridge, for quite some time she enjoyed that life style. Until one night Aje Cogeje, along with his pirates, destroyed the village she feel in love with. Kimiko is in search of revenge, and now on a journey of seeking blood, she headed back to Clan Ashitaka. With vengeance in her heart she lives back in Hingashi, and with the criminal underworld growing fast she has no issue finding contracts.

- [Birth place]: Kugane
- [Childhood home]: Othard


Desirable, but very deadly. To the folks around the dojo, she comes off as demanding. To the names on the contract, she’s whatever and whoever she needs to be.

She makes use of all her assets to complete her mission or task.- [Weapon of choice]: Tanto’s / Knives
- [Style of combat]: Ninjutsu

How Daisuke met Aoi!

While Kimiko was on her way through Othard, she came across a magnificent creature. It’s blue glow was unnatural, and that of myths. It’s fangs as long as the blade at her hip. The animal was being pursued by a large group armed to the feet, they threw spears, arrows, and bolts of fire at it. After a terrifying explosion set by the individuals pursuing the beast, Kimiko made her mind up to help the animal. She killed the first few with out giving warning of her attack, then the group realized they were being ambushed. Kimiko was skilled but still outnumbered and wasn’t a big threat size wise. The group split up with a assault on both the beast and Kimiko. Oddly, killing almost got easier for her as she started to cut them down, her blades dripping in blood, and her clothing as well. After a valiant effort, Kimiko would finally be overcome. This is the moment she saw a flash of blue tear through one of her subduers throats, and it didn’t stop until they were all dead. The two of them beaten half to death stared into each others eyes, neither of them blinked, both of them dripping in blood. Fortunately, it was like they understood each other, and the pain of their wounds was nothing compared to the one in their hearts. They found shelter and healed together, then set off on their paths. From that day whenever Kimiko should call, the blue magnificent being comes to her aid, and you will see a flash running off.


- Way of the Shinobi!

The life of a shinobi is a seriously secretive one. Living a double life, one everyone knows, and the other only a few. Looking for other ninjas in the life.

- Cooking.

Disguised as a cook to hide her true identity, Daisuke offers jobs to those that cook, serve, and perhaps even others that want to keep their identities secret.

- Love.

If you manage to get her love, then your a very special soul indeed!